​Contact: (08) 7200 2646​

44a Torrens Street, Victor Harbor 5211
Working Together with Families
though Positive Education
Schedule of Fees
The fee structure for AB Consultancy is varied by what is needed for the family. Fee structure will be discussed at the initial consultation where parents and caregivers can select what options they wish to include in their package. Families accessing specific therapy sessions will not be charged for resource packs although if technical aides and therapy equipment are needed this is not covered by AB Consultancy.
Initial parent/s and caregivers consultation.
Duration 60 mins
Extended initial parent/s caregivers consultation for more than one client
Duration 90 mins
Travel costs will be discussed on client bookings and is charged at per 30 minutes.
Resource Packs
These are provided throughout the course of the consultancy period. They include charts, sensory equipment and other resources that will help your child/children.
Minimum resource pack
Maximum resource pack
The pack you recieve will be discussed with you.
In-home observation
Duration 60 min
Duration 90 min
Duration 120 min
In-home observation out of hours
Duration 60 mins
Duration 90 mins
Duration 120 mins
Therapeutic Supports
These intensive sessions are one on one appointments focusing on parent requests such as gross motor function, communication, developmental function and behaviour. Parents and caregivers will be given follow up programs to support their child's learning.
Early Intervention
These intensive sessions are one on one appointments to upskill children with critical skills at an optimum time in their learning.
AB Consultancy is now a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Please check with your claims manager to see if you are eligible for using AB Consultancy as part as your NDIS.
These will only be written if requested or needed by another agency. If a report is needed it will be negotiated with the family. Reports are particularly handy for your child's school or other agencies for them to have a greater understanding of your child's needs.
Case Conferences
Sometimes a conference between agencies is required. This is a flate rate and any travel time incurred.

Support Work - Mentor Supports
TOur Support Workers assist in the delivery of in-home supports, local recreational and social activities and mentor supports under the NDIS. Our Support Workers promote mutual respect with the individuals they support and build trust with the families they work alongside with. By assisting individuals and families to look outside the box they develop individual programs to work towards your child's goals.